About Me​
I am currently a Senior Applied Scientist at Microsoft Research where I work on the development and implementation of deep generative learning approaches for protein design, to advance human health.
My broader research interests lie at the intersection of biology, deep learning, and molecular simulation. My goal is to develop and utilize tools which can help us gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental driving forces in biological systems, so that we as scientists can rationally design efficient and promising bioinspired technologies. I am motivated by biological phenomena which can be studied through the lense of computational research and molecular level design. Specifically, I am interested in leveraging powerful machine learning approaches to increase the speed at which these molecules can be studied. Read more about my research here.
Previously, I completed my PhD in Chemical Engineering at University of Washington under the supervision of Jim Pfaendtner as an NSF GRFP Fellow. During my PhD I applied and developed computational methods to probe interfacial phenomena that govern biological processes at the microscale, informing their behavior at the macroscale. Specifically, I used enhanced sampling methods to study the dynamics and energetic driving forces in systems that are otherwise difficult to understand experimentally.
I am passionate about equitable access and representation in the computational research space. I am the first person in my family to go to college, and grew up in a Colombian/Iranian immigrant household. Like so many other first-gen students the journey to being a researcher has never been straightforward, or easy. When I decided to pursue a PhD, I took a risk and pivoted into the world of computational research. While it's been filled with ups and downs, I feel lucky to have found my passion. Sadly, this isn't the norm for all URM students in one of the most underrepresented fields in STEM. This has driven me to increase equitable access to academia and provide underserved students the tools, guidance, and mentorship they need to be successful.
Feel free to contact me with any questions